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Remote school practical training

You can see the images of remote schools that have been published so far in the training records for each year.

[Data is written in Japanese]
2020 Training cooperation school(207.37 KB)
2019 Training cooperation school(473.38 KB)
2018 Training cooperation school(277.63 KB)
2017 Training cooperation school(377.60 KB)
2016 Training cooperation school(175.92 KB)
2015 Training cooperation school(630.47 KB)
2014 Training cooperation school(126.96 KB)
2013 Training cooperation school(958.59 KB)
2012 Training cooperation school(1.52 MB)
2011 Training cooperation school(59.19 KB)
2010 Training cooperation school(73.95 KB) Publish(2010.5)(2.29 MB)
2009 Training cooperation school(74.56 KB)
2008 Training cooperation school(46.81 KB) Photo(2.67 MB)
2007 Training cooperation school(422.44 KB) Publish(2007.10)(1.00 MB)
2006 Training cooperation school(24.02 KB) University student workshop(1.26 MB)
2005 Training cooperation school(26.82 KB) University student workshop(1.23 MB)
2004 Training cooperation school(28.85 KB)

Remote school practical training


 へき地校体験実習手帳_表紙(447.41 KB)
 ⅰ-ⅱ_へき地校体験実習チェックリスト(601.44 KB)
 ⅲ_へき地校体験実習チェックリストシート(46.09 KB)
 ⅳ-ⅴ_各種の資料およびプリントは、適宜ファイルする。(468.20 KB)
 P01_目的?心得(492.11 KB)
 P02_実習校の現況(17.56 KB)
 P03_実習計画(20.88 KB)
 P04-05_講義?講話の記録(29.82 KB)
 P06_教室設営?座席表(19.88 KB)
 P07_へき地校体験実習日誌(464.80 KB)
 P08-13_実習記録(19.13 KB)
 P14-19_授業観察の記録(18.19 KB)
 P20-23_教壇実習の記録(20.21 KB)
 P24-25_へき地校体験実習の考察(33.43 KB)
 実習協力校の概要様式(15.47 KB)

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