




  1. 国立大学法人 北海道教育大学
  2. お知らせ(お知らせ)
  3. 【GEL Students’ Voices】 "Exchange Student Experiences"

お知らせ(お知らせ)【GEL Students’ Voices】 "Exchange Student Experiences"


I spent six months in Sydney speaking no Japanese! In the first two weeks it was difficult – not just language, but culture shock too. I realized that it was partly a problem of my attitude; I had to be optimistic. After that life got better and better. I did a part-time job when I was there – this was my best decision in Sydney, because as well as getting money, I learned a lot of things I couldn’t learn at college, and I could meet so many different people. It was such a multi-cultural place – this was great because I experienced so many foods from around the world. Lebanese food, Chilean food and Cuban food. When I came back to Japan I tried to sustain the same ‘all-English’ style. It was studying abroad that gave me that motivation.

Taiga Ogisho, GEL 一期生

That’s me in Australia